We are consumed by our mobiles, iPads, social media and all
things digital. That in itself is not really news. What I have just realised is
how much we don’t actually listen to what others are saying because we are so
engrossed in our own digital worlds.
How has this suddenly dawned on me? It was because
of a story my mother was telling a friend of mine. She was recanting how if it
wasn’t for my aunt intervening she may never have given my father a second chance at the tender age of 16. I thought I knew most things
about my parents and I am sure my mother has told that story before but I wasn’t
paying attention. With so much on my mind and calls and emails constantly
pinging on my devices, I didn’t listen. And now that my mother is elderly and
frail, I realise just how important it is to take in all this information.
This isn’t really about just taking in my gorgeous mom’s
recollections. It is a sudden lightning bolt that my attention span has been
diminishing as time goes by. How many of
you have gone to a lecture or even a meeting and kept an eye on your mobile?
How many of you have had lunch with a good friend telling you their problems
and your phone was face up on the table? Perhaps you have answered a business
call while sitting at your desk with one eye still on your emails or reading Facebook?
Is your iPad sitting on your sofa next to you while you watch tv?
There are very few view people I know who couldn’t say ‘yes’
to at least one of those questions. I do know some people who shun mobiles and
emails almost completely and happily but they are few and far between. And perhaps
to generalise, the younger you are the less you are conditioned to listen well.
Think of how much you are missing out. In an age of
information overload, try simply taking in the things your family and friends
are telling you. That goes for work colleagues and customers too. Listen well,
listen intently and you may just be surprised to hear what you’ve been missing.
I’m learning to walk away from my mobile and computers for a number of hours a
day. Maybe baby steps but it feels good to realise I haven’t actually missed
anything really important in that time. It also means I am starting to slowly
absorb the small stuff I have grown to ignore.